Home > Q1 2012 Progress

Q1 2012 Progress

March 27th, 2012 at 02:19 pm

So, I figured I would write this up now. A little less than a week early I know, but I may not have time to do so this weekend.


2010 Honda Civic loan, purchased used 12/2011.

12/11 - $14,300
01/12 - $14,040
02/12 - $13,750
03/12 - $11,775

There was a total of $1,700 extra applied to principal only payments applied during Q1 2012.

Home Improvements:

South Windows - $2,450 Q1 2012 [x]
North Windows - $1,800 Q4 2011 [x]

West windows most likely Q2 2012. East windows most likely Q3 2012. That leaves basement for Q4 2012, or Q1 2013.


Well, I stopped prepayments to focus on auto loan. May make a larger principal payment in December to bring it under 170K. Yeah, I want to see a 16x,xxx number!

2 Responses to “Q1 2012 Progress”

  1. Jerry Says:

    It looks like it's probably a good bet to pay the car loan down, even if it leads to a little bit slower mortgage progress. I like that you are doing the windows over time, that makes a lot of sense and offers insurance of better energy bills as well. Good luck with those goals!

  2. Xtreme Thunder Says:

    I am the type of person that needs to see progress on things and doing things in steps motivates me more due to seeing the change happen. This round of windows is being installed this coming Tuesday, so we are pretty excited. We chose to do the windows in steps being we went with a what we thought a better value, at a higher cost and more durable product though. I am also one that only likes to do things once, so I will save longer to get the better product, especially in construction/ home improvement items..."make it right!". I am sure we will see better heating/ cooling bills once all windows and doors are replaced. This winter yielded low heating costs due to the extremely mild northeast winter...although, definitely not complaining.

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